Welcome to the
V.M.G. Website
We are proud to be able to bring you brand new video from the band "Basic Rock Outfit". The video is a 9-11 W.T.C. tribute. It was made by V.M.G. after we heard the song and thought it would make a strong patriotic statement. Some might think that this video was not in good taste, and to those people we suggest that you have another listen and think about what the song really says about who we are as a counrty. This is a country that is made up of strong people who are not afraid to stand up for the things we believe in . We should not ever forget  those whose lives were lost in the name of freedom and those who will follow them in showing the world that we can not be beaten down by any means. Freedom is enduring even as we mourn our loss...As you view this video we would like you to remember that we live in the greatest country on Earth  and we should always stand up for freedom!
Copyright 2002 Vermont Multimedia Group  Po Box 212 Johnson, VT 05655
To download right click and use the "save as"" command. Broadband users can click on the link above to play the video in Windows Media Player.

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